神谷 薫 (Kamiya Kaoru)
Kamiya Kaoru adheres to her father's ideal of "Katsujin-ken" or "Swords that give life," which teaches that swordsmanship should be used, not to kill but protect. Kaoru inherited a small dojo from her father after he was killed during the Seinan War (also called the Satsuma Rebellion) and operates it by herself. This is quite a feat, considering that she's only seventeen. Kenshin feels that her beliefs should become a reality: "If this one had a wish, it would only be that her lie become the truth of this world."
One of Kaoru's biggest fears is that Kenshin might someday return to wandering, leaving her to be alone again. She gets jealous whenever another girl is also interested in Kenshin. Her obvious feelings toward Kenshin are noticed even by his enemies (many of whom refer to Kaoru as "Kenshin's woman"), and often use Kaoru as a chink in his armor. In reality, Kenshin cares very deeply for Kaoru, and expresses this when he gives an emotional farewell to Kaoru before leaving for Kyoto near the beginning of the Kyoto Arc. After saying goodbye to her and then leaving(thinking that they may never see each other again), Kaoru went into a deep depression, but was soon given the courage to go to Kyoto in order to see Kenshin after a more than irritated Megumi gave her a pep talk. Till the end Kaoru finally gains both Kenshin's trust and love and eventually got married, and have a son named Himura Kenji.
相楽 佐之助 (Sagara Sanosuke)
Sanosuke left home at an early age to join the Sekihoutai. The Sekihoutai fought for the imperial alliance at the end of the Tokugawa regime and Sanosuke admired his captain, Sagara Sōzō and took the surname Sagara from him. The Sekihoutai were on assignment to spread word of the halving of taxes proclaimed by the revolution. However, when the revolutionary government encountered financial problems, they labeled the Sekihoutai as frauds to bury their promises. This setup was engineered by Shindō Tatewaki, a former officer in the imperial alliance. The Sekihoutai were designated scapegoats and to be executed; Sanosuke was the only survivor, other than his friend Tsukioka Katsuhiro.
Full of anger and bitterness, Sanosuke made a living as a fighter-for-hire who bore the nickname "Zanza" derived from his weapon, the zanbatō. The symbol on the back of Sanosuke's jacket is the Japanese kanji 惡 (Aku), which means "Evil". He bears this symbol as a mark of his loyalty towards his past in the Sekihōtai, but also serves as a reminder to defend innocent people who have been wronged. This kanji can also be interpreted to Bad Hearted. Eventually, he was hired to kill Kenshin, but after being defeated by the former assassin and learning of Kenshin's no-kill approach, Sanosuke becomes a valuable ally. He later adopts a boxing-like fighting skill, known for the strength of his right fist. Because the zanbato was broken during the fight, Sanosuke no longer wields it on a regular basis, using only one more time in the manga to defend the Kamiya dojo during the Jinchu arc.At the end of the manga series, Sanosuke leaves Japan to avoid becoming wrongfully arrested and travels the world. He is not heard from until five years later during a reunion of the Kenshin-gumi, in which he tells them via a letter that he is in Mongolia and will stay there for a while before heading back to Japan.
To be con't....
Full of anger and bitterness, Sanosuke made a living as a fighter-for-hire who bore the nickname "Zanza" derived from his weapon, the zanbatō. The symbol on the back of Sanosuke's jacket is the Japanese kanji 惡 (Aku), which means "Evil". He bears this symbol as a mark of his loyalty towards his past in the Sekihōtai, but also serves as a reminder to defend innocent people who have been wronged. This kanji can also be interpreted to Bad Hearted. Eventually, he was hired to kill Kenshin, but after being defeated by the former assassin and learning of Kenshin's no-kill approach, Sanosuke becomes a valuable ally. He later adopts a boxing-like fighting skill, known for the strength of his right fist. Because the zanbato was broken during the fight, Sanosuke no longer wields it on a regular basis, using only one more time in the manga to defend the Kamiya dojo during the Jinchu arc.At the end of the manga series, Sanosuke leaves Japan to avoid becoming wrongfully arrested and travels the world. He is not heard from until five years later during a reunion of the Kenshin-gumi, in which he tells them via a letter that he is in Mongolia and will stay there for a while before heading back to Japan.
To be con't....
Coming up next....Shinomori Aoshi (四乃森 蒼紫), Makoto Shishio(志々雄真実).
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