One Piece (ワンピース)
Monkey D. Luffy (モンキー・D・ルフィ: Monkī Dī Rufi)
The captain of the Mugiwara Kaizoku-dan (麦わら海賊団,), Luffy comes from Fuschia Town. He is the son of Monkey D. Dragon (world's most wanted criminal), brother to Portgas D. Ace (ポートガス・D・エース:, Pōtogasu D. Ēsu), and the grandson of vice-admiral Monkey D. Garp (モンキー・D・ガープ中将: Monkī D. Gāpu Chūjō).
Luffy trademark Straw Hat (from which he gets his nickname 'Straw Hat Luffy') was entrusted to him by the legendary pirate captain Red-Haired Shanks (赤髪のシャンクス, Akagami no Shankusu). Aside from his hat, Luffy's customary outfit is a red vest, blue trousers, and sandals. Luffy has a scar on his left cheek, beneath his eye, which he gave himself as a child to prove that he was mature and unafraid of pain (also to possibly look more like Shanks who is his idol. As a child, Luffy accidentally ate a Devil Fruit (悪魔の実: Akuma no Mi) when it was left in an open case brought in by Shanks and his crew. The fruit, called the Gomu Gomu no Mi (ゴムゴムの実, Gum Gum Fruit, Rubber Rubber Fruit), turned Luffy into a rubber man capable of stretching, inflating, and bouncing back impact based attacks. But Luffy can still be hurt by physical attacks if they are powered with an emotion, as demonstrated by his grandfather and Nami. As a Devil Fruit user, Luffy cannot swim. Luffy hates missing his meal while asleep (especially after a battle) thus he has developed an ability to eat while sleeping, as well as being able to figure out in less than a second how many meals he has missed if unconscious for a period of time (counting five meals each day). These traits also seem to be common with Luffy's family, as seen with his brother Portgas D. Ace and his grandfather.
Luffy trademark Straw Hat (from which he gets his nickname 'Straw Hat Luffy') was entrusted to him by the legendary pirate captain Red-Haired Shanks (赤髪のシャンクス, Akagami no Shankusu). Aside from his hat, Luffy's customary outfit is a red vest, blue trousers, and sandals. Luffy has a scar on his left cheek, beneath his eye, which he gave himself as a child to prove that he was mature and unafraid of pain (also to possibly look more like Shanks who is his idol. As a child, Luffy accidentally ate a Devil Fruit (悪魔の実: Akuma no Mi) when it was left in an open case brought in by Shanks and his crew. The fruit, called the Gomu Gomu no Mi (ゴムゴムの実, Gum Gum Fruit, Rubber Rubber Fruit), turned Luffy into a rubber man capable of stretching, inflating, and bouncing back impact based attacks. But Luffy can still be hurt by physical attacks if they are powered with an emotion, as demonstrated by his grandfather and Nami. As a Devil Fruit user, Luffy cannot swim. Luffy hates missing his meal while asleep (especially after a battle) thus he has developed an ability to eat while sleeping, as well as being able to figure out in less than a second how many meals he has missed if unconscious for a period of time (counting five meals each day). These traits also seem to be common with Luffy's family, as seen with his brother Portgas D. Ace and his grandfather.
Roronoa Zoro (ロロノア・ゾロ)
He is a swordsman and the first member of Straw Hat Pirates to join the crew. His family name, Roronoa, comes from the real-life French pirate François l'Ollonais. The name "Zoro" comes from the Japanese "zorome", meaning a palindrome (a sequence that is the same backwards and forwards), since his birthday is November 11 (11/11). Zoro is a skilled swordsman who fights with santōryū, three daito (大刀:だいとう:, dairefers to Japanese long sword) katana (刀:かたな, Katana: is a type of Japanese backsword, and his own unique fighting style. Though not a samurai, he appears to maintain a certain degree of bushido (武士道:, Bushidō), meaning "Way of the Warrior, and is frequently mistaken for one.
He also likes sake, almost to the degree that Luffy likes meat, but like Nami (ナミ), he never gets drunk due to his inhumanly-high endurance and tolerance for alcohol. Another notable trait is his lack of orientation, as Zoro often gets lost, even in small, familiar spaces or when being led by someone. His goal is to become the world's best swordsman. To accomplish this, he has to defeat Dracule "Hawk Eye" Mihawk who, as of now in the story, holds the title. He confronted Mihawk once during the Baratie arc but lost to a 6 inch knife and was left with the huge scar on the front of his torso, which was caused by Mihawk's Black Sword (Großes Messer: meaning "great knife", also called Hiebmesser). After his defeat Zoro vowed never again to lose in terms of swordsmanship to anyone. Zoro's three katanas are Wadō Ichimonji (和道一文字;The One Road of Harmony), Sandai Kitetsu (三代鬼徹;Third Generation Demon-Splitter, alsoknown as Kitetsu III), Yubashiri (雪走;Snow Run/Snow Step; Snow Crasher or Running Snow).
He also likes sake, almost to the degree that Luffy likes meat, but like Nami (ナミ), he never gets drunk due to his inhumanly-high endurance and tolerance for alcohol. Another notable trait is his lack of orientation, as Zoro often gets lost, even in small, familiar spaces or when being led by someone. His goal is to become the world's best swordsman. To accomplish this, he has to defeat Dracule "Hawk Eye" Mihawk who, as of now in the story, holds the title. He confronted Mihawk once during the Baratie arc but lost to a 6 inch knife and was left with the huge scar on the front of his torso, which was caused by Mihawk's Black Sword (Großes Messer: meaning "great knife", also called Hiebmesser). After his defeat Zoro vowed never again to lose in terms of swordsmanship to anyone. Zoro's three katanas are Wadō Ichimonji (和道一文字;The One Road of Harmony), Sandai Kitetsu (三代鬼徹;Third Generation Demon-Splitter, alsoknown as Kitetsu III), Yubashiri (雪走;Snow Run/Snow Step; Snow Crasher or Running Snow).
To be Con't.....
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