The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱. It is an anime which is about the high school life of Haruhi Suzumiya and those around her. Haruhi is an active girl who has joined all her school’s clubs but quitted from them as she felt that they are boring. Until one day when Kyon (Haruhi’s classmate) initiated a conversation with her which inspired her to set up her own club- SOS Brigade. Kyon is the second founding member of SOS Brigade. Other members are Yuki Nagato, Mikuru Asahina and Itsuki Koizumi.
Haruhi Suzumiya 涼宮 ハルヒ
Haruhi is the founder and recruiter of SOS Brigade. She is interested in aliens, espers, time travelers and sliders but do not care for ‘odinary’ human beings. Due to her desperation in searching for these phenomenon in the world, she often cut off from anyone whom she felt uninteresting. Also, Haruhi is not aware that whenever she is angry, unhappy or jealous, she will activate her power to change, create or destroy a new reality.
Yuki Nagato 長門 有希
Yuki Nagato is the only one who willingly joins SOS Brigade. Yuki is a quiet and intelligent girl who enjoys reading. She is an artificial human (Haruhi does not know her true identity) whose mission is to observe Haruhi and make sure Haruhi does not use her godlike powers. Yuki has supernatural powers that is able to manipulate and change the environment or materials around her. For example, in a baseball game, she created a baseball bat that hits home runs only.
Mikuru Asahina 朝比奈 みくる
Mikuru Asahina is the fourth member of the SOS Brigade. She is a shy and timid girl who gets scared easily. Mikuru likes to daydream and at times, she is rather clumsy. Mikuru’s actual identity is a time traveler from the future to observe Haruhi and to investigate a massive timequake.
Cloudlover & Roxas80
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