One Piece (ワンピース)
Sanji (サンジ)
Sanji is the chain-smoking chef of the Straw Hat Pirate Crew. He has superb fighting skills that only make use of his legs, in an effort to minimize damage to his hands, which would impair his cooking skills. Sanji uses an array of powerful and varied kicking moves when he fights. His cooking skills are world class, and he was mentored in both cooking and fighting by Chef "Red Leg" Zeff of the Baratie. He was born in the North Blue, but grew up in the East Blue. Sanji is usually trash-talking, serious and impatient, especially around men. This is contrasted by his "love-cook" side, as he is very amorous around women and comically swooning and making many passionate declarations of love towards them while cartoony hearts float in the air and appear in his eye. This is mostly displayed when being near or talking to Nami or Robin. This behavior has earned him the nickname "ero-cook", or perverted cook. Around women, he is incredibly chivalrous and gentlemanly, volunteering to help them in various tasks and situations, whether they need help or not.
He has sworn to never let insult or injury happen to a woman while he can still stand, even if that woman is trying to kill him. This is a diadvantage in his fighting as he will try to advoid attacking female opponents, and would rather die than hurt them. All this is apparently the result of a "strict upbringing". To contradict his gentlemanly behavior, Sanji also enjoys seeing women wear skimpy clothing and can be a voyeur. Sanji seems to have a talent for strategy and can often be found working in the background separate from the rest of the crew to foil enemy plans. Sanji is the crew's chef and and as such he looks out for the health of his crewmates. His goal in life is to find the All Blue, a legendary ocean which contains all the fish in the world, and as such would be paradise for any devoted cook. Sanji holds great respect for the tools, ingredients, and art of cooking, to the point where he never refuses food to any starving people, no matter how poor or evil they may be. He also dislikes leftovers immensely and will show anger towards anyone who leaves them. Sanji is very proud of the meals he makes and considers them works of art; if anyone insults them, he will promptly beat up the offender.
Tony Tony Chopper (トニートニー・チョッパー)
Tonī Tonī Choppā
He is the Straw Hat crew's general physician despite being a reindeer. As a reindeer, he ate the "Hito Hito no Mi" (ヒトヒトの実, Human Human Fruit), which allows him to transform into human form and has the ability to speak and walk like a human. Character wise Chopper is very naïve and childlike, resulting in a tendency to believe anything being said to him, even the outrageously fictitious, exaggerated lies of Usopp. But he is also an upright friend and companion who will try anything to overcome a task given by his team. Despite his strength, Chopper is rather hapless, and copes with stressful situations nearly as badly as Usopp. When Chopper recognises someone who needs medical attention he often will start to run around screaming for a doctor, before realising that he is one. Another one of Chopper's habits is his reverse cartoon peek where he's standing behind a wall or doorway and peeks at people, trying not to be seen by them. Unfortunately he's not hiding his body behind the wall, as a result his body is visible and only one half of his face is hidden. A running gag is that various though random characters in One Piece think Chopper is a Tanuki (狸, タヌキ, Tanuki: the Japanese word for raccoon dog) whilst in his Brain Point form. His Heavy Point form likewise is mistaken for a gorilla.
To be con't....
To be con't....