Thursday, 3 March 2011

Letter-Bee/Tegamibachi (テガミバチ)

Dear Manga/Anime Fans, looking for a new manga to read or an anime to watch? Let us recommend you one of the manga, Tegami Bachi, which is still ongoing in the monthly magazine: Jump SQ. The story is about a boy named Lag Seeing whose occupation is a delivery boy or "Letter Bee". Lag's main job is to deliver letters or parcels from towns to towns. It is not any easy job because along the way he has to beware of the Gaichu (鎧虫) which are very huge insects. One day he meet a special girl who later becomes his "dingo"(bodyguard) and Steak, a creature with a very big mouth...Well, the rest of the story is up to you to find out. Below are the latest Letter-Bee mobile phone accessories. Aren't they adorable (^o^).

Lag Seeing (ラグ・シーイング ) & Noir (ノワール)

Zazie (ザジ)

Niche (ニッチ) & Steak (ステーキ)

Cloudlover & Roxas80

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