Dear Shroomies, (especially to those who were at the recent CosCon 2009 at Suntec), frankly speaking DO you FEEL sort of DISAPPOINTED? Hell 'Yes!', it is for me....gosh...why didn't I listen to my friend Joe about giving it a miss this year after our 2008 hazardous mis-venture...hmmm...come to think of it...it wasn't that bad...(2008 CosCon that is) compare to what I saw this year. Well... at least what one of my fellow shroomies said...she is a bit relieved to see the least that the big red 'Bandai' ballon is floating up there. What in the world...can anyone consider what just happen for that past few days can be called a Games and Comic CONVENTION...What game? What comic? Where???!!!
There seemed to be more booth this year and a lot more local toy creator trying to sell their creation but I suppose they are pretty tied down with the financial crisis. Why do I say that...'cos after paying at least $2500 for a tiny little booth, they seemed to have nothing much left to do any creative sales pitch...except to sit in the booth and wait for miracle to happen...(this is my cynical perspective :p)
Basically the main attractions are some clearance sales...crapy stuff...Truth is, I struggled to stay put for about an hour in the so call convention...trying very hard to capture the gist of it. Sad to say...my only throphy was a set of 4 'Haruhi' bunny girls figurines at 50% clearance price...ya...ya...ya...this is so very typical Singaporean of me...Sales leh...die...die...die also must grab something mah...(my Singlish not bad hor...:p). Well I shall end my yapping now...scroll down and 'enjoy' the photos which I struggled to take.