Dear Rommies, does Yu Yu Hakusho rings a bell to you? No? Then you are still young and new to the Japanese manga. If you had grown up reading it then you are now likely to be a manga otaku in your prime age.
For this installment of Animerooms bloggin, I shall be introducing the characrters, some...not all, from this wonderful manga. I'm sure by now some of you or even all of you should be aware of the JUMP magazine 40th anniversary. Why am I mentioning it? Well because thanks to the celebration, Yu Yu Hakusho is once again highlighted and 'brought back to life' for the fans...Yup
...the hommies of Animerooms are fans of it too. The following pieces of well craft figurines were specially issused to commemorate the anniversary.
幽☆遊☆白書 (Yu Yu Hakusho)

A hi yōkai (, hi yōkai:fire demon) born of a Korime (氷女, Kōrime:. Ice Maiden) who specializes in the Jagan (邪眼術 : Evil Eye skills), as well as swordsmanship, and can move at superhuman speeds.
妖狐蔵馬 (Yoko Kurama) / Fox Demon Kurama

An infamous yōkai, kitsune thief, Fox Demon Kurama or Yoko Kurama (妖狐蔵馬, Yōko Kurama) until he was wounded. He managed to escape to the human world and inhabited the body of an unborn human baby, he grew up as the human child Shuichi. He planned on abandoning his human family once his demonic power returned at the age of ten, but did not as he had grew to love his human mother.
コエンマ(Koenma) / Little Enma
The son of spirit realm ruler Enma, and the one who takes responsibility of his father's work when he's away. Koenma usually appears as a toddler with a pacifier in his mouth, though he's at least 700 years old. This pacifier is Koenma's trademark wherein it is where his powers are stored. He will help the others however he can, though at times he's cowardly and a typical comic relief character. He can transform himself into his adult form of a bishōnen.
蔵馬(Kurama) / 南野 秀一(Minamino Shūichi)
Kurama, also known as Shuichi Minamino (南野 秀一, Minamino Shūichi) in his human form - Kurama is a demon with the ability to summon and control plants. Kurama has a wide variety of techniques, because of his ability to control a wide variety of plants, including the often seen Rose Whip.
浦飯 幽助(Urameshi Yūsuke)
Yūsuke becomes a spirit detective (more like a bounty hunter) for Koenma after he dies and came back to life. His main attack is the Rei Gun(Spirit Gun) where he can manipulate his Reiki (spiritual energy) and fire it into a projectile. He learns many techniques and abilities from his master Genkai. He mainly grows in strength from all of his different battles, because he responds to danger by unleashing his full strength. He is sort of the leader of the group which compromises of Hiei, Kurama and Kuwabara Kazuma(桑原 和真) who is not being introduce here. Together, they work together for Koenma.
The End