Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Anime Festival Asia 2008
Wednesday, 3 September 2008
Yu Yu Hakusho(幽☆遊☆白書) - Jump 40th Anniversary

Dear Rommies, does Yu Yu Hakusho rings a bell to you? No? Then you are still young and new to the Japanese manga. If you had grown up reading it then you are now likely to be a manga otaku in your prime age.

幽☆遊☆白書 (Yu Yu Hakusho)
A hi yōkai (, hi yōkai:fire demon) born of a Korime (氷女, Kōrime:. Ice Maiden) who specializes in the Jagan (邪眼術 : Evil Eye skills), as well as swordsmanship, and can move at superhuman speeds.
妖狐蔵馬 (Yoko Kurama) / Fox Demon Kurama
蔵馬(Kurama) / 南野 秀一(Minamino Shūichi)
Yūsuke becomes a spirit detective (more like a bounty hunter) for Koenma after he dies and came back to life. His main attack is the Rei Gun(Spirit Gun) where he can manipulate his Reiki (spiritual energy) and fire it into a projectile. He learns many techniques and abilities from his master Genkai. He mainly grows in strength from all of his different battles, because he responds to danger by unleashing his full strength. He is sort of the leader of the group which compromises of Hiei, Kurama and Kuwabara Kazuma(桑原 和真) who is not being introduce here. Together, they work together for Koenma.