Hello...it has been a long time since the last upload, well no thanks to my back injury. This time round, we have the long awaited Final Fantasy Mini Trading Arts which includes a mixture of characters from FF VII, FF VIII, FF X-2 and FF XII. Who are they, you ask...Well you'll just have to scroll down and find out for yourself.
Final Fantasy

Cloud Strife (クラウド・ストライフ, Kuraudo Sutoraifu)

Cloud is the protagonist Final Fantasy VII and several of its sequels and spin-offs. The game's character designer is Tetsuya Nomura. His appearance is marked by spiky blonde hair, vivid greenish-blue eyes. This is a distinguishing feature of a SOLDIER and a sign of having been exposed to mako energy (魔晄エネルギー, Makō Enerugī). His other distinct outlook is his dark purple or blue clothing, a spikey, dark grey pauldron on his left shoulder, and his Buster Sword, which previously belonged to his friend Zack.
Rinoa Heartilly (リノア・ハーティリー, Rinoa Hātirī)

Rinoa is the female lead of Final Fantasy VIII. She is the seventeen year old daughter of General Caraway, a high-ranking officer in the Galbadian army, and Julia Heartilly, a famous singer. Throughout the game, she falls in love with the protagonist, Squall Leonhart. She has black hair with brown highlights and dark eyes. As for characterwise, she is outspoken, spirited, emotional, and honest with her feelings, she speaks her mind without reservation.
Yuna (ユウナ, Yūna)

Yuna is the female protagonist in both Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2. The above image is Yuna after a makeover for her appearance in Final Fantasy X-2. From Final Fantasy X-2, she sets out as a sphere hunter. Yuna displays some changes in personality in Final Fantasy X-2: while still very kind-hearted and serious about her duties and putting others first, Her relationships from Final Fantasy X have given her a new look at life and — freed from the responsibilities and restrictions of her former role as summoner — she is presented as a much more free-spirited person.
Vaan (ヴァン, Van)

Vaan (ヴァン, Van) is the protagonist of Final Fantasy XII. He is a seventeen year-old orphaned Hume street urchin who lost his parents in a plague when he was 12 years old and his only brother Reks dies two years before the start of the game, during the Archadian Invasion of Dalmasca. He makes a living as Migelo's assistant, running various errands for him, while at the same time pickpocketing from Archadian soldiers, claiming to take back what is Dalmasca's. Vaan always dreams of someday becoming a sky pirate in command of his own airship. He often trains to meet this goal by killing dire rats in the sewers of Rabanastre on a daily basis, for which Dalan earns the nickname "Vaan Ratsbane".
Penelo (パンネロ, Pannero)

Penelo (パンネロ, Pannero) is also from Final Fantasy XII. She is a seventeen year old Hume orphan who works as a dancer in a Rabanastre bazaar. She learned martial arts from her now-deceased older brother, a soldier, and though small in stature, she is perfectly capable of handling herself in sticky situations. She has known Vaan since childhood, and is a sister to him, as her parents adopted him. Her parents, having taken Vaan in to care for him after his own parents died. They had also encouraged Penelo to like Vaan. Having being placed the two together since young, Vaan and Penelo care for each other a lot.

Well...I do hope I have got you interested in this set of 5. This is really a worthwhile collection. So what are you waiting for...go get it...It's only $25 (Singapore dollars).